1710 East 10th St.Jeffersonville, IN 47130

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SR-22 Coverage in Jeffersonville

An SR-22 is not insurance but rather a certificate of financial responsibility. It’s a document that your insurance company files with the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) to prove that you have the minimum required auto insurance coverage. 

If you’ve received notice that you must file an SR-22 form, contact Auto Insurance Express in Jeffersonville, Indiana, for a personalized quote. 

How to Get an SR-22 Form Filed in Indiana 

To get an SR-22, you must contact your insurance provider. They will file it with the Indiana BMV on your behalf. Indiana drivers usually need to maintain an SR-22 for three years, but this can vary based on the severity of the violation. 

Is an FR-44 the Same as an SR-22? 

While the SR-22 and FR-44 are similar in purpose, they are different. The FR-44 is a certificate required in some states, like Florida and Virginia, and it typically mandates higher liability coverage than the SR-22. However, Indiana uses only the SR-22 form and does not require the FR-44. 

Who Needs an SR-22? 

In Indiana, an SR-22 is typically required for drivers who have committed certain offenses or are in specific situations, including but not limited to: 

  • DUI or OWI convictions 
  • Serious moving violations 
  • At-fault accidents without insurance 
  • License suspensions or revocations 
  • Numerous moving violations 

Contact Us 

The agents at Auto Insurance Express can help you get SR-22-compliant auto insurance at favorable rates. Contact us today to start comparing quotes.